memory and learning of the brain

The Science of Memory: How Memories are Formed and Stored

Have you ever wondered how your brain creates memories? The process of memory formation is a fascinating journey through time, as remembering means traversing the past. Memories are composed of various elements, including images, sounds, odors, and emotions, all of which result from different but interconnected mnemonic systems. Memory creation involves three key stages: encoding, […]

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brain activity

The Ever-Changing Brain: A Lifelong Journey of Learning and Growth

Neuroplasticity’s significant role in learning and growth In the realm of neuroscience, a revolutionary concept has taken center stage: neuroplasticity. This remarkable ability of the brain to rewire itself holds profound implications, from aiding rehabilitation after injuries to enabling lifelong learning. Within the pages of Norman Doidge’s enlightening work, ‘The Brain That Changes Itself,’ readers

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